KLM BioScientific is a small woman-owned business located in central San Diego. I have been in business for 25+ years. We carry a full range of laboratory equipment and supplies.
Remember your biology, chemistry, and physics classrooms? No? Well, have you ever watched an episode of Breaking Bad? There you have it! All that neat science stuff in our store.
“How did you get into this business” is the question frequently asked of me as I hand them their order of preserved specimens of cow eyes, sheep hearts, and sheep brains! So let me back up a little and tell you my story.
KLM’s history goes as far back as 1950 when it was known as College Biological Supply Company based in Washington State. In 1970, the company relocated to Escondido, California. After a decade of establishing itself in the area, a change in management renamed the business, The Biology Store (family-owned). This is where I come in.
I was hired as the company’s culturist/microbiologist. I maintained the bacteria cultures and was then trained in other lab responsibilities by my predecessor. Here is where I learned how to grow and maintain other cool microscopic cultures! The capacity of the lab position progressed to administrative and technical support while my boss was out of the office. After almost 8 years with the company, an unexpected opportunity emerged in the summer of 1995.
My boss called me into the office and told me their intent to sell the company to one of our competitors. My initial thought? “I need to find a NEW JOB”! But wait. The conversation got interesting. My boss presented the idea of selling the company to its employees but ONLY if I was willing to take part in this venture.
My boss stated that the technical person can perform all the administrative and shipping duties but not vice versa considering the nature of the business. The conversation ends with “think about it and talk to your family”. I left his office with uncertainty but at the same time excited to possibly be a BOSS, a BUSINESS OWNER! I had my parent’s support all the way. My parents said, “If that is what you want, we will support you”! That is all I needed to hear. Hence, the birth of KLM BioScientific. Six months later, in January 1996, two employees jumped at the opportunity with me. After two years into the KLM partnership, the K and M left and “L” remains standing strong. You get where KLM comes from now, right? Some ask why I kept the name. Well, it’s part of my great story and how far I’ve come as a sole proprietor.
After 22 years in business, I continue to learn the needs of different industries which includes working with everyone’s budget. No job is too small or too big. I will find a workable solution. A win-win situation! Product research and information are part of what we do at KLM. I will get back with all your inquiries in a short time unless I am on some warm beach and in a different time zone! I am familiar with most scientific products in the market being in the business for this long and with that a science degree.
I don’t claim to know everything, but I will take that extra step for you. If I can’t deliver, I will certainly steer you in the right direction. We set up lab equipment in the classroom, and help parents and teachers with science fair projects. We provide training equipment and lab consumables to our local military. We have the ability to work with military prime contractors or other large entities to outsource and procure all chemicals and laboratory equipment into one purchase with speed and efficiency to accomplish on-time delivery. In addition, we consult with other lab project managers.
Here, we launch our new online store, LabSuppliesUSA.com. We hope to reach all of you!!
Before I end this story, I want to say “THANK YOU” to a few people. To my parents, my awesome team, Chris” and his family (The Biology Store), and to all of our loyal customers of 22 years. I am here because of all of you.